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Friday, August 26, 2005


The Pioneer has a headline that says: "Contumacious headline upsets Speaker." The story is about Somnath Chatterjee, the speaker of the Lok Sabha, getting upset at a headline that read "Mind Your Job, Speaker tells Judiciary." He felt it wasn't accurate.

The headline that I object to, though, is that of that story reporting the objectionable headline -- what kind of a word is "Contumacious?"

Update: Badri Seshadri writes in to point out that the Pioneer probably learnt this word from the speaker himself, and decided to use it in a piece involving him. This report is probably the source:
Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee on Thursday turned down a privilege notice against The Pioneer newspaper for allegedly publishing an article casting aspersions on the Chair saying it was "beneath the dignity of this great institution to take further note of the motivated imputations in the impugned article."

While closing "this chapter," he added the caveat that "in future, reckless and contumacious conduct indulged in, by whosoever [it] may be, will be dealt with in the appropriate manner so as to preserve and enhance the dignity of the highest public forum in our country."
Cheez, who teaches them to speak like this?
amit varma, 1:21 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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