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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Snake bitings in Ahmedabad

BR Prakash examines folk wisdom:
[W]isdom has been imparted in the North for those going South:

'Don't call them Madrasis. Every South Indian is not a Madrasi'.

'If you see someone rolling up his lungi in Madras, don't look alarmed. It is as natural to them as rolling up the sleeves and they don't mean any harm'.

'Two by three coffee in Bangalore means that three small tumblers of coffee are consumed but you are charged only for two'.

And its reverse in the South:

'Don't stop at a red light if you are driving in Delhi, you will be hit from behind.'

'Don't say nonsense ever to a Bengali. It is the highest form of insult.'

'Don't be alarmed if you are invited to snake bitings in Ahmedabad. You will get dhoklas, kachoris and such other snacks.'
Such fun. Though a Bengali would no doubt think it nonsense. (I'm half-Bengali, by the way, so the previous sentence is self-deprecatory, not insulting.)

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