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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Our values and our way of life

Tony Blair said after the terror attacks today:
Our determination to defend our values and our way of life is greater than their [the terrorists'] determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people.
Well put. This isn't just an attack on the UK, but, like the attacks of 9/11, they're an attack on a way of life and a value-system, one that is dear not just to Western countries, but to millions in the developing world, like me. Concepts like personal freedom, equality of women and, in fact, human rights are alien to those behind the attack, and they must be defeated. In that sense, the battle that al-Qaeda - I am assuming they are behind this attack - is waging against the world is more significant than any other terrorist movement in history, both in its scope and in its final objective. It must not be allowed to succeed. And other grievances that one has against the USA or Britain should not become a reason to gloat at such attacks, as I have seen happening in the past.

Also, I hope the organisers of the Tour de France are watchful. Terrorists could hardly find something more appropriate to attack than a global sporting event, and the Tour takes place along hundreds of miles of open roads, making it a vulnerable target. This is a time for vigilance.
amit varma, 5:16 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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