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Thursday, July 07, 2005


The Tour de France is on, and guess who got hurt in a cycle accident.

Update: J Ramanand writes in:
I have a theory that the only reason the US Presidency exists is to give [Jay] Leno some laughter material. The writers for the Tonight Show were already on the job. (See here.) Undoubtedly, the wheels of the Leno factory will run a month on just this one news item.

The best one from that was:
The ironic thing was Bush could have avoided the collision, but you know Bush, he refuses to go left.
This isn't the first time Bush has fallen off. In fact leading upto the elections last year, both Kerry & Bush fell off bicycles. IIRC, one of the jokes on Leno that week was to mention this fact and say "shouldn't we get someone who can do a simple thing like staying on bikes? Someone like..." and cut to Lance Armstrong. More here and here.
Such fun, I tell you. I wonder if they allow Saddam to watch these shows.
amit varma, 2:18 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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