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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Kim Jong Il gets Nobel Peace Prize

Well, no, he doesn't. Not yet. But if Aishwarya Rai can win the national award for best actress, Kim can hope, can't he?

Update: After numerous reports that Aishwarya had won best actress, revised reports are now tumbling out that it was actually a Kannada actress named Tara who won that award, for a film called Hasina. Someone made a mistake somewhere when the news broke, it seems, and most of the original news pieces on the net that announced Aishwarya as the winner have been corrected, making bloggers like me who linked to them look rather silly.

Sorry Kim. And don't worry Ash, acting awards come and go, but how many of your contemporaries can boast of being a doll?
amit varma, 11:15 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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