India Uncut

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Monday, July 18, 2005

Headline material

One mark of a great tabloid is that the headlines are far more fun to read than the stories themselves. I wouldn't dare to suggest that Mid Day is there yet, but gosh, just cast your eye upon their headlines for today:

Mentally ill man bites constable
Thief strips man of underwear, cash
Shiv Sena corporator held for firing
HC orders proper care for zoo animals
Couple rescue people from manholes
Salman, act karo

And the one I liked the most:

Aporna returns to haunt Anurag

Masterful. These are headlines elevated to the level of (an admittedly perverse, and possibly unintentional) art. Great fun.
amit varma, 9:51 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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