India Uncut

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Monday, July 18, 2005

A looooong absence

One alarmed phone call and a couple of mails have come asking me why I haven't blogged all day today. Sigh. Well, here's my explanation. First, I woke up late, at about lunchtime. Second, when I did I found that my phone had been disconnected by the MTNL. No, I am not going to complain about statism here: it was entirely my fault, as I hadn't paid the bills on time. Serves me right. I've paid the bills now, and the phone's working again.

Had this happened a month or two ago, I would probably have gone to my office or a cybercafe, but today I just wanted to chill for a few hours in a blogless world. You know, read a book, listen to some music, have a nice cup of coffee, maybe even write a few pages of something with pen, on paper. I did all that. I enjoyed the break. Now I'm back.
amit varma, 9:18 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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