India Uncut

This blog has moved to its own domain. Please visit IndiaUncut.com for the all-new India Uncut and bookmark it. The new site has much more content and some new sections, and you can read about them here and here. You can subscribe to full RSS feeds of all the sections from here. This blogspot site will no longer be updated, except in case of emergencies, if the main site suffers a prolonged outage. Thanks - Amit.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Nuggets and Aphorisms

Ok, so this is where I announce a new sub-blog, Nuggets and Aphorisms. You may have noticed that for the last few days, I've started two series on India Uncut, of nuggets and aphorisms. Well, this new sub-blog is where they will all be archived, so if you ever want to check them out without having to trawl painfully through my many posts of filter blogging, that'll be the place to go to.

The idea of starting a series around aphorisms came from Michael Higgins, who posts an aphorism he likes once in a while on his blog. He had thanked me once for a little something, and now it is my turn to express my gratitude.

I didn't start the series with the purpose of edifying my readers – I am not arrogant enough to suppose I could do that. Rather, I began it with the intention of a diaryist. All the nuggets and aphorisms I present to you reveal something about me, because they come from the books I read, the films I watch, the music I listen to, the articles and essays I read. They are, thus, the most shamelessly autobiographical part of my blog, for those who care to follow them closely. It is an indulgence, and yet, I share it with you in the hope that perhaps you will also find some value in it.

And yes, I know there is some work to do on the template, it's the same as The Middle Stage. I'll duly change that left-panel picture when I get the time. Scanning-shanning is required, painful process.
amit varma, 12:12 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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