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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mumbai Mirror links

Reader Vinay Madhyastha helpfully informs me that many of my links to Mumbai Mirror articles don't work, and become dead after a while. I just found that links I've put today are working, while yesterday's are dead. So what should I do now?

I could stop linking them as I have the Asian Age, because those guys are not compatible with Mozilla Firefox. But as they remain live for at least a while, that might be a bit extreme, and this might be a glitch that they will sort out. So here's what I will do: whenever I find a Mumbai Mirror piece that I want to talk about and is otherwise not reported elsewhere, I'll link to them. Otherwise not.

And just what is it with these Indian MSM websites that they try to drive readers away?
amit varma, 12:17 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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