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Saturday, May 28, 2005

The what-ifs of cricket, and much else

Ramachandra Guha indulges himself in some counter-factual cricket history, and comes up with six intriguing scenarios, one of which has India winning their first ever Test match, against England in 1932. Fascinating stuff.

Here's one non-cricketing bit of counter-factual history I wish he'd speculate on: what if the pro-free-market secular-right C Rajagopalachari had been India's first prime minister instead of the socialist Jawaharlal Nehru? Guha had included an excellent essay on Rajagopalachari in his book, The Last Liberal and Other Essays, and is currently writing a history of post-independence India, so I suspect something like this would be a breeze for him. Hmm.
amit varma, 11:45 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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