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Saturday, May 28, 2005

No more games

Mid Day reports on a bizarre incident in which a "playful" couple slashed each other's wrists. It quotes the man, Vilas Gujar, as saying:
I wanted to watch a WWF programme at 7.30 am and Neeta, my wife, insisted on clearing the bed. In the argument that followed, she playfully tossed a knife at me. It hit me on my left hand and though I was hurt, I told her I was fine. She then grabbed the knife and tossed it at my right hand.
Well, this time his hand got cut and started bleeding. So he got angry and started slashing her wrists. The report says that "only when she started crying in pain, did he stop and started comforting her." What happened then? In his words:
I took her in my arms, but all this while, neither of us realised that we were losing a great deal of blood. I held her in my arms and opened the windows of my house in Chinchpokli.
Well, the neighbours looked in, saw that they were bleeding, and took the couple to hospital. The woman died. At the time of speaking to Mid Day, Gujar was unaware of it, and kept enquiring, "How is she doing? Have you met her?"
amit varma, 10:05 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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