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Friday, May 20, 2005

On the hypocrisy of banning a film

Amrit Hallan, in the context of the SGPC getting Jo Bole So Nihal banned in Punjab, writes:
I haven’t seen the film and I don’t even plan to see it ... but I wonder what they mean by an inappropriate manner of portraying a Sikh in the movie. I would like to ask the SGPC, doesn’t an average Sikh:
  • Indulge in sex?
  • Consume liquor?
  • Engage in fraudulent activities?
  • Interpret the Gurubani wrongly?
  • Illtreat his wife, children and parents?
  • Visit brothels?

Being from a Sikh family, I have seen the so-called Sikhs doing all such things. Be it philandering, fornicating, excessive drinking, wife-beating, cheating other people, uttering profanities, I have seen the “respected” Sikhs doing all these.

Read the full thing.
amit varma, 9:10 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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