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Monday, May 30, 2005

A metallic conspiracy

Charles Assisi of Intelligent Computing CHIP writes in to respond to my post yesterday about ayurvedic medicines found to have high levels of metallic content:
The story doesn't work because everything we consume today is contaminated with heavy metals and [it] does not even utter a peep on that. I remember a similar report was published in the American mainstream media a few months ago and met with this rebuttal.
The rebuttal is a piece by Mike Adams in which he writes:
The people behind this announcement clearly have an agenda, and that agenda is to discredit all herbal remedies in an effort to call for new FDA oversight of herbal remedies and nutritional supplements. And they do that by scaring people with headlines that distort the true findings. These are just a handful of products sourced from India and Pakistan. There are not the Ayurvedic formulas made in the United States, Germany and other countries with higher quality standards. Just because you're buying Ayurvedic medicines doesn't mean that you're going to be getting heavy metals.

What this announcement fails to mention is that a whole lot of the food products in the United States is also contaminated with heavy metals.
Hmmm. Also, while on the site Assisi edits, I came across an interesting editorial by him arguing against software patents. Have a look.
amit varma, 12:25 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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