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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Mr Patil and the bargirls

RR Patil, the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra who doesn't want dance bars to exist in Maharashtra (and maybe discos too), is upset because he has just discovered that many bargirls in Mumbai apparently live in government housing. Mid Day quotes Patil as saying:
While collecting information on bargirls, it was noticed that most of them were staying in central government service quarters. It appears that the central government employees, who were allotted these houses for their personal use on a nominal rent, had subleased them to the bargirls.

Patil goes on to say, "If the central government employees don’t need the accommodation, I could use them to house thousands of homeless policemen in city." Or they could just stay in dance bars.

Meanwhile, Gaurav Sabnis tells us why airports, trains, buses and restuarants are next.
amit varma, 4:47 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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