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Thursday, April 21, 2005

At the touch of a mouse

KS Sudarshan, never at a loss for ways to amuse his countrymen, has given a speech in which he expounds on two themes. One, civilisational decay. Two, a clash of civilisations.

First, he says: "Every civilisation goes through the natural cycle of rise and fall and we are currently in the grip of a decline." He evokes the Mahabharata and implies that he will play the role of Krishna in this age.

As much as internal decay, though, he is worried about external sabotage. He alleges that Pope Benedict XVI and George Bush are conspiring to turn India into a Christian nation. About Bush he says, "At the touch of a mouse, he knows who is to be converted."

Yes, I can imagine Bush sitting with the Pope at a computer and clicking on an icon on the screen. "Citizen number 21,413,826," he reads out. "KS Soo-daar-shun. He's the next fellow we have to send the CIA to convert."

"Yeah," says the Pope. "But tell me one thing, Junior, why is his skin blue?"
amit varma, 5:15 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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