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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

On the bulletin train

Besides the reports I file for the Guardian at the end of each day, I shall also be doing the bulletin for Cricinfo during this Test. What is a bulletin, you ask? Well, it's the ongoing report of the match. It starts in the morning with a toss bulletin, continues with a lunch bulletin (that replaces the toss bulletin), continues with a tea bulletin (that replaces the lunch bulletin and encapsulates the day so far) and ends with a report at the close of play, that replaces everything that came before it, and sums up the day.

That's a lot of writing, and it can get tough, and my connectivity is so damn awful that I may not be able to blog much, though I'll do all I can. My bulletin for today, meanwhile, will appear here.

The bulletin, typically, contains just the description of what happened on the day, with little comment. The commenting is left to the verdicts, Pakistan view etc that appear at the end of the day. So if Bucknor screws up, there's a limit to how trenchant I can get.
amit varma, 10:10 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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