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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Meeting Beer

I met the very talented Bridal Beer this evening for coffee, and as such meetings tend to go, serendipity kept happening. Along with the coffee that was planned, coke and chicken sandwiches came. We spoke about many things: Kolkata, Mumbai, New York, the writing of books, families, and suchlike. And yes, about Brian.

Those were the best moments. Each time she mentioned Brian, she leaned forward, stared into the distance, and her eyes sparkled, and all of her smiled, and the thought of happiness made her radiate such joy that I couldn’t help smiling as well. I hope she ends up with a permanent fridge-full of what she so aptly describes as Amul Happiness. (If not, there’s always the Imaginary Boyfriend.)

Go read her entire blog, archives and all, from the start. These are the first stirrings of a future chicklit giant.

After the sandwich I returned to my hotel and got down to writing a piece on Steve Bucknor (combined with a match preview) for the Guardian, because it’s his 100th Test tomorrow. I had to write nice things about him, and as anyone who has read my earlier piece on him will understand, I had to grit my teeth and do it. Karela Unhappiness? Ah, never mind.
amit varma, 11:04 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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