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Sunday, February 13, 2005

Mishti Doi, MBBS and a TV without cable

The Telegraph has a fascinating account by Roma Jhawar, the young lady from Kolkata who had been kidnapped earlier this month, of the 20 hours she spent in captivity. It is an intriguing tale: her kidnappers were clearly amateurs at the job, using her traceable mobile phone to make calls, and not having a well-thought-out plan of how to pull it off. Jhawar writes about her time in captivity:
[W]hen the lady ... entered the room and asked me if I wanted anything, I requested her to switch on the TV. But she told me that they did not have a cable connection, which was really surprising for me as the room had a decent sound system and a DVD player.

The lady asked whether I wanted to see a movie. I reluctantly said “yes”, and she played Sholay for me. After some time, the kid (Digha) came into the room, and wanted to play Ludo. All this while, the man in the Nike cap was keeping an eye on me and when the lady was not around, he whispered into my ears: “These people don’t know that we have kidnapped you. So behave normally.”

Thankfully for everyone concerned, they did not treat her roughly, and she kept her wits about her. One of her kidnappers, interestingly, was called "MBBS" by everyone. Was that because he was a doctor or was it inspired, perhaps, by the film Munnabhai MBBS?
amit varma, 12:43 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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