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Monday, December 20, 2004

Party poopers

There’s no pleasing political journalists, and thank god for that. The Congress have come to power this year, the BJP have a new president in the man who revived them so spectacularly in the 1980s, but both parties are rotting from within, according to our two biggest weeklies.

“A party at war with itself can't play an active Opposition,” say Bhavdeep Kang and Priya Sahgal in their India Today piece, “Lost In The Wilderness”. They write: “For the BJP, the only issue that is worth fighting for is the BJP itself, and it is a suicidal irony.”

If too much dissent ails the BJP, too little of it plagues the Congress. Smita Gupta and Sheela Reddy ask: “[D]oes the Congress have a patent over sycophancy, Raj style?” In their Outlook piece, “That Thing Called Spine”, they examine the chamchagiri that so characterises the Congress, and that has spread itself into the political culture of the country, afflicting even the BJP.

So that’s our two biggest parties? Who’s left? The Left. Help.
amit varma, 11:30 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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