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Saturday, December 18, 2004

Even a song has feelings

PTI reports that a man has been held for "allegedly insulting the national anthem in a cinema house in Akola on August 1, 1972." It appears that Masabkha Nawabkhan, who was 24 then and is 56 now, did not stand up when the anthem was played before a film in a movie theatre. And now, 32 years later, he has been arrested on a non-bailable arrest warrant.

I never knew it was mandatory to stand when the national anthem is played before a film, something that is a silly practice to begin with. And isn't there some statute of limitations? Bizarre.

I gave the national flag a withering look a couple of days ago. If I suddenly stop blogging, you'll know why.
amit varma, 2:16 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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