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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Boot's on the other foot now

After years of persecution by the BJP government, Tehelka is finally set to get its own back. Tarun Tejpal's men have just announced that in yet another sting operation with hidden cameras, they have gathered video evidence that Zaheera Sheikh, the witness for the prosecution in the Best Bakery case, who inexplicably turned hostile, was given a bribe of Rs 18 lakh to do so. This is, obviously, a huge boost for the prosecution, and the people outed by the videotape are less likely to get away with it now that their government is not in power.

Needless to say, it does not mean that the case will be resolved soon and the murderers punished, and even if they are, it will only be the small fry who are affected. Narendra Modi will continue to rule in Gujarat. Even if Smriti Irani decides, again, to go on a hunger-strike.
amit varma, 4:13 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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