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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Mela, not Melee
Welcome to the Blog Mela. It's taken hours of hard work and brought immense pleasure to compile this list of fine posts from the week gone by, and I transfer only the pleasure to you. As usual, I've kept editorial comment to a minimum, and presented the posts category-wise. I hope you enjoy it!
Society: Hurree Babu tells us "How to spell 'Hypocritical.'" Manish Vij writes about the Asian invasion of America. Varun Singh reports on a suicide at IIT Mumbai, and then follows up with an update. Vivek Kumar also has a post on it. Hemangini Gupta tells us about "Shooting with Jeet and Mandar." Sooraj Ratnakumar writes about virginity and AIDS in India. Charukesi Ramadurai stresses that a rupee a day can make a big difference in people's lives.
Jaffna examines the role of women in Indian history. Selva writes about the Indian tendency to spit in public. Gawker points out how "[t]he Supreme Court of India vilifies rape victims." Amrit Hallan writes about India's "collective fatalism." Sonia Faleiro profiles Bobby Darling.
Politics and suchlike: Lijo Isac writes about elections in Kerala. Nitin Pai recommends a "pragmatic approach to relief and rehabilitation" in earthquake-affected Kashmir. Shivam Vij contemplates the Bihar elections. Arzan Sam Wadia finds reason for optimism in Indian politics. Reuben Abraham commends the BJP for taking a principled stand on the Khushboo issue. Sandeep shares a "few disjointed thoughts" on Lalu with us.
Culture: Jai Arjun Singh entertains us with some vignettes from a wedding. Alaphia Zoyab describes how "[t]he English language is a rich source of laughter when employed by those who do not speak it entirely well." Ravi Venkatesh tells us what is the most-used word in IIM Ahmedabad. Rashmi Bansal explains her reasoning behind the conclusion that "[w]e Indians are right up there when it comes to 'dumb.'" Primary Red predicts the death of blogging. Sakshi Juneja explains bhangra to us.
Business, Law and Economics: Naveen Mandava writes about how the Indian government is "trying to optimise government resources and not incentivise private resources" in the field of education. K explains why India will become "the next big MMORPG market." Ennis writes about "The economics of the Indian Wedding Industry." NS Ramnath has a few thoughts on corporate social responsibility. Abhishek Dey Das writes about the growth of medical tourism in India.
Raj at Plus Ultra explores the economics of a birthday party. Aseem Asthana discusses the retail sector in India and China. PrufrockTwo shares with us a bit of overheard marketing wisdom. Govar wonders, "So, what went wrong with brand India?" Reuben Abraham shares some numbers with us on India and China, over at the Indian Economy Blog. David Giacalone discusses a decision by the bar council of Punjab and Haryana to put a maximum age limit on entry to the profession. (Check out Blawg Review for more on law blogging.)
Music and films: Kaashyapeya finds music in a poem by Tennyson. Sunil L writes about the badshaah of cool: Feroz Khan. Uma Mahadevan-Dasgupta writes on Milica and Zujka, some of the characters she liked in Emir Kusturica's Life is a Miracle
. Samanth Subramanian reviews Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. So does The Duck. So does Aditya Kuber. So does Ramya Kannan. Nikhil Pahwa has mutiple reviews of the Jazz Utsav in Mumbai Delhi: 1, 2, 3. Megha Murthy writes about her Megha-Star. Karthik Narasimhan kicks off the Stochastica Sinema School Series. Lazy Geek reviews Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle
Books: Amardeep Singh writes about a course on travel writers that he will be teaching in the spring. Anand of Locana reviews Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Memories of My Melancholy Whores
". TA Abinandanan evaluates some of the output of Kizhakku Padhippagam, a Tamil publishing house run by Badri Seshadri and K Satyanarayan. Mandar Talvekar reviews Ursula Le Guin's "Tales from Earthsea
." Ajay Bhat reviews The Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Gautam Ghosh checks out "They Just Don't Get It!
" by Leslie Yerkes and Randy Martin. Ashutosh Joglekar finds Elie Wiesel's "Night
" to be "one of the hardest and most gut wrenching books one can ever read." Falstaff writes about Carson McCullers's "Clock Without Hands
," a "novel of delicious humour and tender irony, a book that combines searing, passionate outrage with a deep well-spring of compassion."
Creative Writing: Gamesmaster G9 reports on a celebrity deathmatch at Dum Dum Airport. Tridib Sen imagines a Bong Harry Potter. eM writes about post offices and letters and handwriting and her distinctive m's. Rajesh Advani conjures up an attack on a Durex factory in JN Nagar. Aditya Bidikar has a conversation with his muse.
Sports: Gaurav Sabnis is impressed to find Sourav Ganguly winning six Tests in six seconds. Kiruba Shankar writes about why half-marathons are a compromise. (I prefer 100m walks myself.) A mysterious gent named Haroun Kamal previews the upcoming India-SA ODI in Mumbai. Anirudh Garg writes about how to get cricket in the USA. Shruthi Rao writes about her first cricket match. Also, have you been following this discussion on Indian cricket at Wicket to Wicket, Cricinfo's blog?
Technology: Saket Vaidya reveals that he is an open-source zealot. Kingsley Jegan finds a problem with Google Base. Suman Kumar writes about how "[t]echnology is not all that cool" after all. Amit Agarwal compares Google Adsense and Yahoo Publisher Network. Anjali Puri blogs about her moody mobile phone. Arnab Nandi is disturbed by a PopSci article. Patrix has a message for Sony. Swaroop CH illustrates, with an incident from his college days, how open-source software is seen in India as "some kind of hobbyist thing in India." VeerChand Bothra discusses a plan to have a dictionary on mobile phones in India.
Places: Annie Zaidi writes about "a third-rate hotel in small town India." Vikrum Sequeira treats us to a few "vislumbres" of Calcutta. Neha Viswanathan describes how you "don't drink tea by cups in Delhi, you drink them by the conversations." Shoe Fiend cites the Maadavidhi market as an example of "how things you once abhorred become wonderful and romantic as your memories are tinged with sepia." Akshay of Trivial Matters celebrates Bandra "as the locals do."
Bridal Beer writes about how Delhi is "a celebration of suvival." Roshan Paul writes about how conservationists at Kaziranga are "paradoxically destroying the environment in order to preserve it." Niti Bhan writes about coming back to New Delhi after five years. Dina Mehta tells us how one of the things that struck her most during a recent trip to the US was a palpable sense of fear. JAP 1 presents "Images from a big country." Vikram Arumilli shows us Christmas in Berlin. Sujatha takes us on a journey through Prague. Mridula writes about "Going nomad in Ladakh."
Miscellaneous: Thalassa Mikra writes about the most fascinating subject ever: the human body. Ravikiran Rao reveals "The reverse Playboy excuse." Neelkantan B compares 24-hour pharmacy stores with forward short legs. Yazad Jal welcomes a new member into the infamous Libertarian Cartel. Anna of Sepia Mutiny is delighted, with good reason, that law-enforcement officers in India are finally beginning to get tough with poachers.
Anita Bora writes about the joy of photographing children. aNTi has a post up of which I understood just one word: "phone." But it's a nice word, so here, read. Saheli Datta has some fun at a wedding and a zoo: no, they were separate events. Thennavan makes a moving Thanksgiving post about all the bloggers he has known. Sagnik Nandy's dad finds out about his blog.
Veena, who will soon be "going around the country getting married," treats us to a Carl Sandburg poem. Peter Griffin celebrates, and with great reason, Samit Basu's blogroll. Kunal Sawardekar expresses his concern for samosas. Archster goes to a theme party dressed as a terrorist. Aekta encounters a rather nonchalant thief. Hari N writes about how "[h]abits make a man." Priya Sivan writes about turning 30.
Abhishek compares the Sunday supplements of Maharashtra Herald and the Sunday Times. Ali Potia writes about his encounter with bureaucracy. Sibin Mohan reveals the secrets of Beer Goggles. Gaurav Bhatnagar describes a KBC goof-up. Kaps of Sambhar Mafia explores the important question of where to get sambhar in China. Krishna Moorthy fantasises about the DesiPundit Slogan Contest.
I'd like to end this Blog Mela by directing you to Remembering Manjunath, a tribute site to the brave IOC official and IIM alumnus who died for his principles. And do read Gaurav Sabnis's powerful posts on his brave friend: "Bye, Machan" and "Please make it count!"
Previous Blog Melas hosted by me: 1, 2, 3, 4. The Blog Mela schedule is here. Do update your blogrolls now, this is the best time to do so. My update is long overdue, and I shall do it after I get some much-needed sleep.
Society: Hurree Babu tells us "How to spell 'Hypocritical.'" Manish Vij writes about the Asian invasion of America. Varun Singh reports on a suicide at IIT Mumbai, and then follows up with an update. Vivek Kumar also has a post on it. Hemangini Gupta tells us about "Shooting with Jeet and Mandar." Sooraj Ratnakumar writes about virginity and AIDS in India. Charukesi Ramadurai stresses that a rupee a day can make a big difference in people's lives.
Jaffna examines the role of women in Indian history. Selva writes about the Indian tendency to spit in public. Gawker points out how "[t]he Supreme Court of India vilifies rape victims." Amrit Hallan writes about India's "collective fatalism." Sonia Faleiro profiles Bobby Darling.
Politics and suchlike: Lijo Isac writes about elections in Kerala. Nitin Pai recommends a "pragmatic approach to relief and rehabilitation" in earthquake-affected Kashmir. Shivam Vij contemplates the Bihar elections. Arzan Sam Wadia finds reason for optimism in Indian politics. Reuben Abraham commends the BJP for taking a principled stand on the Khushboo issue. Sandeep shares a "few disjointed thoughts" on Lalu with us.
Culture: Jai Arjun Singh entertains us with some vignettes from a wedding. Alaphia Zoyab describes how "[t]he English language is a rich source of laughter when employed by those who do not speak it entirely well." Ravi Venkatesh tells us what is the most-used word in IIM Ahmedabad. Rashmi Bansal explains her reasoning behind the conclusion that "[w]e Indians are right up there when it comes to 'dumb.'" Primary Red predicts the death of blogging. Sakshi Juneja explains bhangra to us.
Business, Law and Economics: Naveen Mandava writes about how the Indian government is "trying to optimise government resources and not incentivise private resources" in the field of education. K explains why India will become "the next big MMORPG market." Ennis writes about "The economics of the Indian Wedding Industry." NS Ramnath has a few thoughts on corporate social responsibility. Abhishek Dey Das writes about the growth of medical tourism in India.
Raj at Plus Ultra explores the economics of a birthday party. Aseem Asthana discusses the retail sector in India and China. PrufrockTwo shares with us a bit of overheard marketing wisdom. Govar wonders, "So, what went wrong with brand India?" Reuben Abraham shares some numbers with us on India and China, over at the Indian Economy Blog. David Giacalone discusses a decision by the bar council of Punjab and Haryana to put a maximum age limit on entry to the profession. (Check out Blawg Review for more on law blogging.)
Music and films: Kaashyapeya finds music in a poem by Tennyson. Sunil L writes about the badshaah of cool: Feroz Khan. Uma Mahadevan-Dasgupta writes on Milica and Zujka, some of the characters she liked in Emir Kusturica's Life is a Miracle
Books: Amardeep Singh writes about a course on travel writers that he will be teaching in the spring. Anand of Locana reviews Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Memories of My Melancholy Whores
Gautam Ghosh checks out "They Just Don't Get It!
Creative Writing: Gamesmaster G9 reports on a celebrity deathmatch at Dum Dum Airport. Tridib Sen imagines a Bong Harry Potter. eM writes about post offices and letters and handwriting and her distinctive m's. Rajesh Advani conjures up an attack on a Durex factory in JN Nagar. Aditya Bidikar has a conversation with his muse.
Sports: Gaurav Sabnis is impressed to find Sourav Ganguly winning six Tests in six seconds. Kiruba Shankar writes about why half-marathons are a compromise. (I prefer 100m walks myself.) A mysterious gent named Haroun Kamal previews the upcoming India-SA ODI in Mumbai. Anirudh Garg writes about how to get cricket in the USA. Shruthi Rao writes about her first cricket match. Also, have you been following this discussion on Indian cricket at Wicket to Wicket, Cricinfo's blog?
Technology: Saket Vaidya reveals that he is an open-source zealot. Kingsley Jegan finds a problem with Google Base. Suman Kumar writes about how "[t]echnology is not all that cool" after all. Amit Agarwal compares Google Adsense and Yahoo Publisher Network. Anjali Puri blogs about her moody mobile phone. Arnab Nandi is disturbed by a PopSci article. Patrix has a message for Sony. Swaroop CH illustrates, with an incident from his college days, how open-source software is seen in India as "some kind of hobbyist thing in India." VeerChand Bothra discusses a plan to have a dictionary on mobile phones in India.
Places: Annie Zaidi writes about "a third-rate hotel in small town India." Vikrum Sequeira treats us to a few "vislumbres" of Calcutta. Neha Viswanathan describes how you "don't drink tea by cups in Delhi, you drink them by the conversations." Shoe Fiend cites the Maadavidhi market as an example of "how things you once abhorred become wonderful and romantic as your memories are tinged with sepia." Akshay of Trivial Matters celebrates Bandra "as the locals do."
Bridal Beer writes about how Delhi is "a celebration of suvival." Roshan Paul writes about how conservationists at Kaziranga are "paradoxically destroying the environment in order to preserve it." Niti Bhan writes about coming back to New Delhi after five years. Dina Mehta tells us how one of the things that struck her most during a recent trip to the US was a palpable sense of fear. JAP 1 presents "Images from a big country." Vikram Arumilli shows us Christmas in Berlin. Sujatha takes us on a journey through Prague. Mridula writes about "Going nomad in Ladakh."
Miscellaneous: Thalassa Mikra writes about the most fascinating subject ever: the human body. Ravikiran Rao reveals "The reverse Playboy excuse." Neelkantan B compares 24-hour pharmacy stores with forward short legs. Yazad Jal welcomes a new member into the infamous Libertarian Cartel. Anna of Sepia Mutiny is delighted, with good reason, that law-enforcement officers in India are finally beginning to get tough with poachers.
Anita Bora writes about the joy of photographing children. aNTi has a post up of which I understood just one word: "phone." But it's a nice word, so here, read. Saheli Datta has some fun at a wedding and a zoo: no, they were separate events. Thennavan makes a moving Thanksgiving post about all the bloggers he has known. Sagnik Nandy's dad finds out about his blog.
Veena, who will soon be "going around the country getting married," treats us to a Carl Sandburg poem. Peter Griffin celebrates, and with great reason, Samit Basu's blogroll. Kunal Sawardekar expresses his concern for samosas. Archster goes to a theme party dressed as a terrorist. Aekta encounters a rather nonchalant thief. Hari N writes about how "[h]abits make a man." Priya Sivan writes about turning 30.
Abhishek compares the Sunday supplements of Maharashtra Herald and the Sunday Times. Ali Potia writes about his encounter with bureaucracy. Sibin Mohan reveals the secrets of Beer Goggles. Gaurav Bhatnagar describes a KBC goof-up. Kaps of Sambhar Mafia explores the important question of where to get sambhar in China. Krishna Moorthy fantasises about the DesiPundit Slogan Contest.
I'd like to end this Blog Mela by directing you to Remembering Manjunath, a tribute site to the brave IOC official and IIM alumnus who died for his principles. And do read Gaurav Sabnis's powerful posts on his brave friend: "Bye, Machan" and "Please make it count!"
Previous Blog Melas hosted by me: 1, 2, 3, 4. The Blog Mela schedule is here. Do update your blogrolls now, this is the best time to do so. My update is long overdue, and I shall do it after I get some much-needed sleep.