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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Part of the problem, part of the solution

Nanubhai Desai relates at the Indian Economy Blog how he went to a lunch meeting with a bunch of Indian MPs, and someone asked them:
To what extent is bad governance retarding growth and poverty reduction? And what specific steps do you think Parliament can take to change that over the coming years?
At this point Sachin Pilot asked for the mike and said:
We are part of the problem… and hopefully, we can be part of the solution.
Bang on about the diagnosis, but I'm not sure I share Pilot's optimism about the treatment. Even if a handful of politicians are sincere and want change, there is little chance of parliament coming together to reform a system from which they benefit. As long as their main incentives are money or power, Indian politicians will not reform our system of governance.

Or do you think that there is a chance that some of the younger politicians, who come from political families and were born to money and power, are driven differently? We shall see.
amit varma, 11:11 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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