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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

"I want to be eaten now"

That was just one of many priceless quotes at a blog meet that took place on Saturday evening in Bandra, hosted by Melody and Sakshi, who took turns at being voluptuous and charming, and can unquestionably be described as A-list hosts after this spectacular event. Many bloggers turned up expecting an evening of sober chat on serious subjects, but I am afraid to report that they were disappointed. Immense horseplay took part all around, with people saying things like, "Press na, press harder." Instantly I felt ten years younger. At times, I even felt 20 years younger, and wanted to babble.

Indeed, raucous revelry rampaged rhinocerously, so much so that we were kicked out from the indoor part of the restaurant into the outdoor part, where we had more space to do mischief. At a recent party I'd been to, Gaurav had done a lap dance for Vulturo, and this time, it was an all-girl affair. Melody gave Sakshi a joyous lap dance, partly for the benefit of my cellphone video recorder, but I shall refrain from posting it here so as not to scandalise my family audiences. (Pranaam, maasaji.) I also have many pictures of girls doing naughty things to other girls, with guys sitting around dopily wishing they weren't so very boring. Here's a relatively tame one:

Ya, ya, don't you wish they were looking at you like that? Anyway, the high point of the evening came shortly after Rishi arrived, when everyone got together and sang "Happy Birthday Cthulhu." Rarely has such happiness exploded. Shortly after that, Bombay Addict asked Rishi why he was learning German, and Rishi barked, "For world domination! Remember Hitler?" Bombay Addict's eyes almost popped out into his beer. The poor fellow had never met Rishi before, and thought he was serious. Joy.

Later, when a non-blogger (who may or may not be a non-blogger) was being teased by Sakshi for being a non-blogger (who knows the truth), young Vulturo took it all seriously and announced, "Non-bloggers are people too." Who would have thunk?

Shortly after this, when Vulturo was being teased by the girls for being voluptuous -- a meme I must confess I started -- it had to be pointed out that voluptuous men are people too. Melody rechristened him Volupturo, so if Desi Pundit never links to her again, you know why.

What else? As I am posting this somewhat late, everything that could have been reported about the event has already been blogged about. Do read the reports by Sakshi, Melody, Ideasmith, Nandan and Bombay Addict, some of whom have pictures and links to other reports, as well as a list of attendees.

Also on the weekend, I attended a BQC quiz in Bandra, got many negatives for my team with great adventurism, and ensured that it came last. A full report of events is here.
amit varma, 3:08 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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