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Monday, January 15, 2007

Aishwarya and Abhishek

I am delighted that Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan are now engaged. Why? I like couples that alliterate, that's why.

I just hope our tabloids don't try to do a Brangelina on us by calling them Ashbhishek or Abhiwarya. Immense irritation will then arise, and Salman Khan will be remembered fondly, for had Aishwarya gotten together with him, they would have been called AshMan. Nice, no?

(Do note the pagination on the ToI piece I linked to: the first page has just the picture, the second page has the text. And advertisers actually fall for this shit!)

Update: My deepest fears are already coming true. Reader Vikram Chandrashekar informs me via email that this Rediff piece contains the phrase "also known as Abhiwarya."


Update 2: Anand Ramachandran makes a list of Desi Brangelinas. Sensible is a masterstroke! I can already picture the two of them together...
amit varma, 11:44 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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