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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Fighting poverty in India
In an essay titled "Why the Fight Against Poverty is Failing: A Contrarian View" (pdf file), Abraham George writes:
Sadly, that's not a rhetorical question.
(Link via email from Arun Simha.)
Handouts will not solve poverty; neither will it be solved by grand government projects, or by piecemeal interventions of NGOs. Instead, poverty will be solved with vibrant economic activity driven mostly by the private sector. The hundreds of millions of new jobs that are needed each year will come mainly from corporate business ventures in rural areas. The developmental strategy to address poverty must embrace this reality.Indeed. And the question to ask is not why private companies should invest in rural India, but what's stopping them?
Sadly, that's not a rhetorical question.
(Link via email from Arun Simha.)