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Saturday, October 21, 2006

'He’s standing near us because he wants to warm his hands'

Do read this moving old post from Jai Arjun Singh.

And while you're at it, do also read about the farmers of Bundelkhand, who won't quite be celebrating Diwali this year. It's Kafkaesque, their plight. One of them has got a compensation cheque of Rs 35 that will require him to spend Rs 500 if he wants to encash it. Others have got cheques of Rs 3 that cost the government Rs 4 to print. The article also mentions that "the socialist government of the state of Uttar Pradesh [...] is bursting a two-kilometer long cracker to celebrate this Diwali." 2000 metres of farce, that is, with our money.

Anyway, Happy Diwali, and suchlike.

(Bundelkhand link via email from Polite Indian, who blogs about it here.)
amit varma, 3:51 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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