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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Muslims on the dance floor?

"Strictly not," says a statement in Saamna by Pradeep Jaiswal, a Shiv Sena man. "That is forbidden in Hindu custom."

Yeah, I can imagine the rishi-munis sitting together and drafting The Definitive Book Of Hindu Customs.

"Dudes, the book is almost complete," says Valmiki, "but we need to take another look at the Nightlife and Festivals chapter."

"Yes," says Vyasa. "We must bar the Muslims from getting on the dance floor. They're bigger than us because they eat a lot of meat, and all the virtuous Hindu girls dig them. Where does leave the virtuous Hindu boys? Ban, ban, I say."

"Hey," says Vishwamitra. "Any of you seen Menaka? Can't find her."
amit varma, 5:18 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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