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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Such a cutie

Kaps at Sambhar Mafia wants to know who the person in the photo is. My first reaction is in the headline, though I know some readers will find it sexist. "After all," they will ask, "a woman is much more than just her looks." Well, an instinctive reaction is an instinctive reaction, what to do now? And immense admiration already does exist for this lady's achievements, which you no doubt share.

So tell, who is she?

Update: Falstaff writes, in the context of this picture, that "the ability to photograph well may be a key determinant of corporate success." He writes:
People with good passport photographs get picked for interviews over the rest of us, because they look like the kind of people the recruiter would want to work with. People like me get their resumes forwarded to the Department of Homeland Security as a safety risk. As a result people who photograph well gain more valuable and varied experience, and before you know it they're heading major multi-nationals while their less fortunate brethren are still hanging about boring other people with their baby pictures.
Good point. Needless to say, you need to have some basic looks to be able to photograph well, and I suspect my problems begin there. So even if I "say cheese with vehemence," as Falstaff suggests, it wouldn't work with me. Everyone at the studio would just look at me and wonder why I was so pissed, shrieking "cheese" like that.

By the by, in case you're still wondering, the lady in the pic in Indra Nooyi.
amit varma, 4:10 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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