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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Natwar Singh's in demand

A senior member of the ruling party gets embroiled in a messy scam, and you imagine that the opposition would swoop down on him like vultures. Instead, in Natwar Singh's case, they're rushing to get in bed with him. It's quite disgraceful; and yet, disgrace isn't all that disgraceful in India.

Consider how quickly Ajay Jadeja and Mohammad Azharuddin got rehabilitated on Page 3 Planet after the match-fixing scandals, not to mention that scoundrel Mika. Natwar will be endorsing Coke next, telling us all, "Hey, I don't know about pesticides, but I do know that there's no oil in Coke. None at all. I can vouch for that."

The man's behaviour over the last few months is a perfect reflection of the attitude of a certain class of politicians towards power: they treat it like an entitlement, like India is their baap ki jaagir. "How dare you take power away from me?" he might as well be saying. "Do you know how many years I've been loyal to the Gandhi family?"

And he might add under his breath, "Many more than that upstart Manmohan."

Natwar's activities in this case are quite clear, and I hope the investigating authorities uncover the paper trail that nails the fellow. I'd be delighted to see him spend his last few years in jail, or go the Kenneth Lay way. It isn't often that twisted politicians get their comeuppance in India.
amit varma, 1:57 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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