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Monday, July 31, 2006

Guess where they've banned nudity

In Paris.

This is most disconcerting. It's like banning classical music in Poona or IT in Bangalore or boringness in Ahmedabad. Everything is going to lose character then, no?

The government decree prohibiting how to dress in Paris's artificial beaches says, "Notably indecent attire (nude sunbathing, g-strings and toplessness etc) is forbidden." Bloody hell, RR Patil and Pramod Navalkar must be freelancing for them. For years I've been saving up to go to topless beaches in Europe, but if this trend spreads I might as well go to Kolhapur and buy chappals.

(Link via email from Salil Benegal, who really is too young to be thinking about all this. Tsk tsk.)
amit varma, 11:16 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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