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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Bear with our leaders

Newsweek gets behind the scenes at the recent G8 summit:
Outside, a bear dressed in a green tutu with pink polka dots performs tricks. Inside, Chancellor Merkel starts to tell the story of a rare wild bear that was recently shot and killed in Germany. This prompts Japan's Junichiro Koizumi to reel off every bearlike word in his English vocabulary. "Teddy bear," he says for no apparent reason. "We must bear criticism. Unbearable." The leaders all start giggling.
The leaders all start giggling? When I say things like that I usually have to apologise instantly. But I guess people running the world probably have a higher level of tolerance, or we'd all have nuked each other by now many times over.

I can imagine at night after a hard day off meetings, Koizumi wakes up in his bedroom to find there's a bear there, carefully inserted by China. He stands up and takes off his clothes. "You bear," he says, "me bare."

amit varma, 2:34 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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