India Uncut

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Take the law in your own hands...

... and get paid for it.

In a recent BJP rally in Jammu, Vinay Katiyar, the party's general secretary, announced that the BJP will give "pay Rs 1 lakh to any civilian who kills a militant."

This is astonishing, and carrying the same logic forward, they could easily offer similar rewards for people who kill thieves, rapists, murderers and, surely the highest on their list of unwanted elements, non-Hindus. (Killing atheist bloggers will get you a couple of hundred bucks at best, so don't look up my address yet.)

No, but seriously, I'm all for offering cash rewards to informants and so on, but encouraging vigilantism of this kind opens up scope for the worst misuse. Anyway, I'm sure you get what I mean and share my amazement, so I won't belabour the point. What are we coming to?

(Link via email from Vijay Kumar, who blogs on it here.)
amit varma, 5:14 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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