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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Don't take that call...

... take a picture.

Do check out Hupix, Hugh Symonds's online gallery of pictures taken by him using just a mobile-phone camera. As the kind of technology you can fit into a mobile phone grows more advanced and cheaper, the possibilities of what we can do with our phones will expand, beyond Hupix and Bus Uncle. Immense empowerment, like so much technology in the last couple of decades -- such as the one that helps me get my writing across to you, for example.

Of course, technology is a double-edged sword: as this story and this one indicate, and modern technology can be astonishing revelatory about the deepest truths of human nature -- in both a bad and a good sense. That's inevitable, of course.
amit varma, 1:15 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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