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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Choosing where to stand

Whenever I walk into a public toilet, I always choose a urinal at the corner, or one that has the maximum buffer space between me and others. I've occasionally contemplated doing a study of men's behavioural patterns on this matter, to see if all of us have the same instincts. I've wondered if I'm the only person who wonders about this, and if there's something wrong with me.

There isn't! Reader Nitin Srivastava sends me a link to this outstanding site, which tests your "men's room etiquette". I didn't even know there was a term like that. This is most charming. Do play the urinal game.

Update: Reader Ambar Hegde writes in to point me to a book by Dave Barry that touches on exactly this topic, and other such. Much fun.
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