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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Would Mr Karunakaran like to enlarge his party?

Given how he's named it, I'm afraid that's an inevitable question from spammers.

Update: Ramanand writes in to point me to the last line of this article, where said organ meets 'hand'. Obviously pleasure results. (Ramanand got the link via George.)

Update 2 (April 13): Reader Rahul Nair writes in to point me to this piece, where the following three priceless lines are written:
He said it was weak forces in the LDF which were opposed to the entry of DIC(K). "The strong force has no objection [to the entry]."
...those who came in contact with the DIC(K) would have to take bath...
Asked about the reported statements of Congress leaders, including Ramesh Chennithala and Vayalar Ravi, inviting DIC(K) workers back into the Congress, Mr. Karunakaran said: "They have nothing else in hand..."
Needless to say, my heart is filled with joy.
amit varma, 3:28 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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