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Friday, April 28, 2006

Perhaps life itself is like "The Gong Show"

Pamela Anderson writes in the Wall Street Journal:
This issue [of cruelty to animals] has been on my mind a lot lately. It started when my kids went on a field trip to what was billed as an exotic animal refuge in Malibu. I excitedly tagged along only to find that it was like a shabby petting zoo that rents lions, tigers and a fascinating pair of chimpanzees to productions like "The Gong Show" to perform pathetic tricks under lights in front of loud crowds--conditions that are very stressful. I chose to have that kind of life; these animals didn't.
Well put, and more power to her. As a lapsed vegetarian, I know where she's coming from, and one part of me is all for expanding our moral universe to include animals. But the other part of me wants a meaty dinner.

I put it flippantly, but it's a conflict I've agonised over a lot, and do not have the strength to resolve the way I should. My heart and my mind say the same thing, for once; my stomach, and the instincts I've got from my timeless genes, rumble otherwise.
amit varma, 7:20 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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