India Uncut

This blog has moved to its own domain. Please visit for the all-new India Uncut and bookmark it. The new site has much more content and some new sections, and you can read about them here and here. You can subscribe to full RSS feeds of all the sections from here. This blogspot site will no longer be updated, except in case of emergencies, if the main site suffers a prolonged outage. Thanks - Amit.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Middle Stage shifts

It is with great pleasure that I announce that The Middle Stage now belongs to Chandrahas Choudhury.

I had begun The Middle Stage and India Uncut almost at the same time last year. The idea behind having two blogs was that this one would focus only on India and The Middle Stage would focus on my other interests. However, three things happened after I began it.

One, I realised that readers did not compartmentalise information in this way. All my Indian readers, like me, were interested in a multiplicity of subjects, and it did not make sense to have them going to two different blogs to read my views.

Two, I could not do justice to maintaining both blogs. This was especially so when I travelled, as I did in the aftermath of the tsunami (archived here) and during the India-Pakistan Test series in March and April, both of which saw me blogging on India Uncut but ignoring The Middle Stage.

Three, Chandrahas came on board. Hash is both a good friend and a writer I admire and envy, and I knew he'd do a good job when I asked him to guest-blog on The Middle Stage. But this good? As a look through the archives of that blog will convince you, he did some marvellous lit-blogging on The Middle Stage, and made that space his own.

He wrote so well, in fact, that it embarrassed me to go back and show my sorry face in that space. Also, I was now blogging about whatever I felt like on India Uncut, and my original rationale for having that extra blog no longer existed.

So, to cut a long story short, The Middle Stage will now be written by Chandrahas. I will continue to guest-blog there if I have something suitable to contribute, as will Jai Arjun Singh, who graciously joined us as a contributor a few weeks ago. And I will finally be able to tell people that one of my favourite blogs is The Middle Stage without them saying, "Oh, how tedious, it's your own blog!" Heh.
amit varma, 12:27 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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