India Uncut

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bihar travels to Kolkata

You'd never think this could happen in one of India's metros.

Other news from around the country: the cops are back to shutting down discos in Bangalore, and are denying bras to female prisoners in Madhya Pradesh on the grounds that they might hang themselves. Meanwhile, female taxi drivers in Delhi, knowing the dangers of working in that city, are learning karate.

Update: If there is any state in India that represents the breakdown of law and order, it's Bihar. As Nitish Kumar, the new chief minister there, says in this interview: "Even the basic institutional structure of the administration is missing in Bihar. It is much worse than we thought... " The Indian Express correctly identifies a starting point for Kumar. Systemic reform, though, will be much harder than that, because unaccountability is written into the DNA of India's government.

Update 2 (December 12): Turns out it wasn't Bihar but Bollywood that travelled to Kolkata. Santanu points me to a report that says that the kidnap was staged.
amit varma, 1:19 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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