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Thursday, December 15, 2005

86 emails, five years

And still Tehelka did not pay Vijay Nambisan. Read some of those emails here.

My rule of thumb while doing freelance stuff for Indian publications: don't write for money; too much of a headache chasing it. Every piece I've written on a freelance basis for an Indian publication so far has been either for the exposure or because friends asked me to and I couldn't turn them down. Any cheque I subsequently receive is a bonus. No such hassles with foreign publications, of course -- at least the ones I've written for.

Oddly, even though salaries in MSM have risen drastically -- especially in Mumbai, with all the competition -- freelance rates haven't risen much. It's a pity for those who make a living off it.
amit varma, 5:06 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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