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Monday, November 21, 2005

Just gas

Play was held up a short while ago in the ongoing second Test between Pakistan and England because of an explosion near the boundary. The commentators seemed rather confused about it all, and yet tried to sound all-knowing.

"This is not a conventional big bomb," one of them said wisely, as listeners no doubt wondered what a "conventional big bomb" was.

Another commentator -- or perhaps the same one -- told viewers not to panic, there had just been a "massive, massive explosion."

The cause of the drama turned out to have been a gas cylinder. Cops waved the two halves of said cylinder around to assuage people that it was an accident. No terrorist attack and all that.

A gentleman in elegant shalwar kameez near the boundary line seemed rather unhappy. How would he boil his tea now?
amit varma, 4:07 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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