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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Big black ants

The Telegraph reports:
Big black ants feasted on a woman’s eye all night on Sunday in a city hospital as attending nurses ignored her shrieks for help.

Gouri Rani Chakraborty’s left eye had a gaping hole on one side when her son Soumen lifted the bandage and cleared a swarm of ants from the swollen eye this morning.

The nurses on duty at Sambhunath Pandit Hospital feigned ignorance about the incident and the acting superintendent, A. Adhikary, said that it “was not uncommon for ants to bite a highly diabetic patient”.
Needless to say, it was a state-run hospital. No incentives for doing one's job properly, no disincentives for not giving a damn.

Update (November 16): Mrs Chakraborty has died.
amit varma, 12:45 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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