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Friday, September 16, 2005

To the highest bidder

Sonia Faleiro, in an exceptional piece of journalism, writes about two bargirls driven to their death by circumstances. An excerpt:
Pinky’s life and death epitomises the tragic irony of the bargirl’s life. While the girls’ beauty, song and dance is what brings in the patrons, the girls remain mere pawns, manipulated and disrespected by the bar owner, physically and emotionally abused by husbands or lovers. Since the ban, two factors reinforce the vulnerability of these impoverished women whose glitzy surroundings belie their bleak lives. They will go to the highest bidder, because money must be made. And they will stand by whoever represents their needs, however little their own say may be.
Isn't that true of more than just bargirls?

Read the full thing.
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