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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Teach the children

PTI reports:
The United States has expressed 'serious concern' over anti-Christian and anti-Jewish passages in Pakistani textbooks and termed them as "unacceptable and inciteful".

The issue is a matter of concern for the US even though Pakistan is in the process of reviewing the educational system, State Department spokesman Sean Mccormack said.

"These type of reports are of serious concern to us," he said referring to reports in a section of the US media that 'jihad' was still a part of school curricula in Pakistan.
While on the subject, Gaurav Sabnis sends me this report (pdf file; via Aniruddha Kane) by an NGO in Pakistan about the curriculum in schools there. Pages 35-38, 75-78, 63-65 and 80-88 are marked out as being of special interest, giving us an insight into what Pakistani kids are taught about India and Hindus and the 1965 war, which Pakistan supposedly won.

This is not to say, of course, that no indoctrination happens in India.
amit varma, 12:20 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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