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Friday, August 12, 2005

Manmohan Singh's apology for 1984

In an emotional speech to the Rajya Sabha, Manmohan Singh says:
I have no hesitation in apologising not only to the Sikh community but the whole nation because what took place in 1984 is the negation of the concept of nationhood and what’s enshrined in our Constitution.

So I am not standing on any false prestige. On behalf of our government, on behalf of the entire people of this country, I bow my head in shame that such a thing took place.

But, Sir, there are ebbs, there are tides in the affairs of the nation. The past is with us. We cannot rewrite the past. But as human beings, we have the will power and we have the ability to write a better future for all of us.
Well said. But in the same speech, he adds that the Nanavati Report contains "no allegations against the top leadership of the Congress party," which runs contrary to what the media is reporting about it. Would anyone know if the Nanavati Report itself is online, so we can all read it for ourselves? Shouldn't it be?
amit varma, 6:53 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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