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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dear Palestinian Bomber

ABC News reports:
Officials at JP Morgan Chase have apologized and promised to improve their screening policies, after a credit card solicitation letter sent to a 54-year-old naturalized American citizen came addressed to "Palestinian Bomber."

The form letter for a Visa Platinum card arrived earlier this month at the home of Sami Habbas, a grocery store manager from Corona, Calif. The words "Palestinian Bomber" appear above his address and the salutation reads, "Dear Palestinian Bomber." The document included the signature of Carter Franke, chief marketing officer for Chase Card Services.
Mr Habbas, naturally irate, called up customer service to complain, and they said to him: "Yes, Mr. Palestinian Bomber, how can we help you?"

I'm waiting for the day I get letters that begin, "Dear Indian libertarian..."

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