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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Rules for the flag

The Hindustan Times reports:
Gone are the sweeping restrictions on the use of national flag as a portion of costume or uniform for the public. For sports-persons, in particular, donning the national flag as part of their dress is to be allowed.

However, as undergarments, uniforms or accessories worn below the waist, it is a no-no.
Hmm. I can just imagine cops marching into a girls college and demanding to meet the principal.

The principal arrives. "Yes," she says.

"Madam," the head cop says, "please call all your girls out into the square and ask them to [drool drool] strip."

"What nonsense," barks the principal. "How dare you? I will do no such thing. Why should they strip?"

"Madam," the head cop says, "we have received information that someone here is disrespecting the national flag by wearing it as a g-string. It is a punishable offence. We must protect the honour of this country. The girls must [drool drool] strip."

"Preposterous," shrieks the principal. "I will not allow such a thing."

"Madam," the head cop says, "May I ask a question? I can see your bra strap peep delectably out of your blouse, on your shoulder. Why is it [drool drool] saffron?"
amit varma, 12:28 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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