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Saturday, July 23, 2005

The fake MMS industry

The Hindustan Times reports:
This may come as good news for Mallika Sherawat. The Mumbai Police claim to have busted a well-organised gang which was producing and distributing X-rated videos in MMS and other digital formats, and passing them off as those involving former and reigning Bollywood actors.

The seized clips have the faces of well-known Indian and Hollywood stars morphed on to original blue films. In some cases, lookalikes have been used instead of the usual "cut and paste" job.
So if Aishwarya Rai's waxwork is stolen from Madame Tussauds, you'll know who took it. It'd act a whole lot better than her, of course, and a drunk Salman Khan could have long conversations with it. "This is just the way I like you," he'd say at the end of the conversation. "You didn't contradict me even once. Now may I, um, drive over you once please. Please pretty please. Or I'll tell bhai."
amit varma, 11:45 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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