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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The limits of decency

Mumbai Mirror reports:
Skimpily clad students can provoke incidents like the Marine Drive rape, the Mumbai University feels (never mind if the victim in this case was actually not wearing a skimpy outfit, only a black tee-shirt and blue jeans), so Vice-Chancellor Vijay Khole has called a meeting of all city college principals in the first week of July to discuss "campus attire” for students.“Students are crossing the limits of decency,” Khole told Mumbai Mirror. “After the Marine Drive rape case, we think scantily clothed students could be one of the reasons that such incidents happen."
The Shiv Sena would approve.

But seriously, for a politician to say something like that is one thing, but for the vice-chancellor of a university to hold such views, and to want to enforce a dress code for women, is shameful. The more we progress, it sometimes seems to me, the harder regressive forces try to assert themselves.
amit varma, 1:42 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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