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Friday, June 10, 2005


So what's happiness for you? Michael Higgins writes:
If you are reading this, you are probably a blogger. You might have the ambition to be a top 100 blogger (I am assuming that you aren’t already a top 100 blogger because why would you be wasting your time reading this?) There are millions of blogs, and only 100 top 100 blogs. You can do the math. Your chances of achieving this goal are tiny. But why would you want to make that your goal? Why wouldn’t you rather blog for the fun of blogging and get enjoyment out of having a few hundred interested people come by and read and comment on your blog? Isn’t that success enough?

The point is that we need to define our sense of happiness in a way that does not depend on the failure or success of others. We should be happy if we have a car, a home, a wife, a child, a dog (if you want one), and satisfying work. I have all that. I’m very happy. I also have a blog that some people read. Would I be happier if more people read my blog? I suppose, but really I don’t want to work any harder on it. [My emphasis.]
Well put. Read the full post.
amit varma, 11:03 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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